Pray for Maldives

Your Life is a Reflection of the Choices You Make !!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Is Suicide the only option for Airport's victimised staff?

A solitary figure hangs by the neck from the new Air Traffic Control Tower of the Maldives International Airport as it dawns on Tuesday 13th of July. A dark day indeed to be in the history of the Airport.

The Airport in Maldives has a topic of controversy topping headlines for the past several months. It has been a reason for the CMR (Cabinet’s Mass Resignation Stunt) and now suicide. The new management and the board that was installed by the Nasheed Government proved futile for many staff and families. The company has been adamantly disobeying court orders to reinstate some of the people that were laid off and also make huge sums in compensation for others who were wrongly and hurriedly terminated without due process.
The man, identified as 26 year-old Ismail Mohamed Didi, was discovered hanging by the neck by Air Taxi staffs who work round the clock in the vicinity of the tower. The Airport Company said that the case was reported to police around 5:00am. Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam confirmed the body was found hanging from the tower but said it was too early to confirm whether the death was a suicide.

Spokesperson for the Airports Company (MACL) Rahmathulla Ashraf told a local newspaper Haveeru that the company could only comment once the police investigation was concluded. But off the record did he mentioned that the deceased had some issues with the management because the company was not considering his plea to not be posted in a regional airport for the second time. Didi had been an air traffic controller for over six years and had recently worked at Kaadehdhoo airport on assignment. A source familiar with the victim said Didi was a junior air traffic controller who performed his job well.

The Company has now framed a cover story claiming man was an Atheist, and that it was the reason for his suicide. Sources close to the family is very angered by this. Does every atheist hang themselves from the airport tower? His hanging to death by a rope on the Nations prestigious Air Control Tower, clearly would have been ment to give a message about the condition there, which he wasn't able to voice out alive. Peers and close associates of Ismail say that the suicide may have been due to the disagreement over the decision of the Management over his second assignment to Kaadehdhoo Airport, which he pleaded to be reversed.

The death of this young man could be due to the decision taken without due consideration by the Management of Mohamed Ibrahim in his second coming, to post Ismail in a regional aiport which he did not want. Ismail will not speak every again. The truth will never surface. The staff of the airport has been indoctrinated to stick to the common cover of the company, which says he was an Athiest. Does it mean anything?


  1. what a drag, the Islamic affairs still have more work to do, to educate the people on the way of life of Islam. This is a sign that still the 30 years of Maumoom regime is still at bay.

  2. Maumoon's legacy will be with this community for ages to come. I does not mean that our young men have to hang themselves by the neck from the Airport tower and Munnaru.
    There is something more cynical than the Maumoon legacy. The fear of subsistance under the MDP charged Managers of this company.


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