To get an insight into this phenomenon, I did some research, did some reading, and referred to dictionaries, blogs, technical papers, and documentation on the subject. Surprisingly, corruption is in the Maldives, and it’s true! There is so much corruption here; that from the President himself to possibly every responsible citizen of this country has to begin work now, to eradicate its consequences on ourselves and on this country.
I found Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes corruption as:
1. Impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle: DEPRAVITY
3. Inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (as bribery)
4. A departure from the original or from what is pure or correct.
Volumes and volumes of documentation and an array of descriptions are available on this dreaded and despised phenomenon. “So what is corruption?”
1. Corruption is lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery) it is the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.
2. Corruption is destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity; "corruption of a minor"; "
3. Corruption is inducement (as of a public official) by improper means (as bribery) to violate duty (as by committing a felony);
4. Corruption or bastardization is a way of referring to certain changes in a language. The most common way that a word can be said to be corrupted is the change of its spelling through errors and gradual changes in comprehension, transcription, and hearing.
5. Corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain.
6. Corruption is misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality.
7. Corruption is debauch; "leading astray the young people with wine and women"; "Socrates was accused of corrupting young men"; "Do school counselors subvert young children?"
Google Dictionary description is very clear and straightforward it says:
1. Corruption is dishonesty and illegal behavior by any person or people in positions of authority or power.
2. In linguistics, a corruption is a word that is derived from an earlier word, but which has become changed in some way.
I am now more than ever convinced that corruption is endemic in Maldives in epidemic proportions. It is good that we talk about corruption openly these days. Talking about it provides a platform for the politicians, independent institutions, journalists and our civil society to agree to work towards stamping out corruption. But agreeing on exactly “what is meant by corruption” is what some of us may never agree, and it is the million dollar question.
Everything that translate as “Bad things” like Bribery, extortion, fraud, trafficking of any kind, Homosexuality, embezzlement, defaming, bastardization, debauching, deviation from an ideal, Misuse of government power, Repression of political opponents, use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain, silencing of dissent, undermining moral integrity and honesty are all corruption. Nepotism and cronyism are also manifestations of it.
Corruption forms into varying types and degrees; most notable are Political, Financial, and Social corruption. It distinguishes between “petty” corruption and “grand” corruption. These distinctions however, should not imply that some types and degrees of corruption are worse than others.
Whatever form it takes, corruption is always a two-way transaction; it requires a supply side (the briber) and a demand side (the one who receives the bribe). In our quest to understand corruption, we must not make a distinction to both sides of the corruption equation.
Political corruption is the subject of particular interest in Maldives today. It has been a fact of life for thousands of years, beginning with the first attempts at a democratic form of government in ancient Greece and Rome. The seeds of political corruption were planted as soon as the senators and other political leaders realized that power and wealth could be equals. Political corruption often begins with favoritism towards those with wealth and influence.
Interestingly, in 18th century England, Political corruption meant the encroachment by the executive on the legislature, for instance by money payments, the offer of positions and pensions, and the trading of patronage. Corruption was the violation of the principle of constitutional "checks and balances", authoritarian tendencies and the subsequent decay of the political order.
Political corruption is the abuse of entrusted power by political leaders for private gain, with the objective of increasing power and or wealth. Political corruption may, but need not involve money changing hands; it may take the form of ‘trading in influence’ or granting favors and or illegal and summary arrests of political opponents that are often viewed as a threat to the ruling class or party. In a transitional and developing democracy such as ours, political corruption threatens the very viability of democracy, and makes it’s civil and independent institutions vulnerable.
We cannot afford the social, political or economic costs corruption entails. It respects no borders, knows no economic distinctions and infects all forms of governments and people without exception. It erodes public confidence in political institutions and leads to contempt for the rule of law. Corruption exacts an incredibly high price on the poor by denying them access to vital basic services.
Total eradication may by impossible though desirable. However, curtailing and chilling corruption is an imperative and must be perused vigorously. Perusing corruption must be perceived as an act of cleansing not vengeance. It has to be applied with purpose and without exemption. It has to begin with one’s own self. One cannot remain a corrupt person and work to eradicate it, that’s pretending. That is a corrupt act. You must be clean to fight corruption.
You have in many ways said that the government is corrupt. We know that too. Thank you for your eye opener.
ReplyDeleteAli Hussain
How much have you been paid by Yamin and his clan?